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本人为2018级光学工程专业博士生,主要从事超快三维光学传感技术、荧光超分辨显微成像技术等研究,发表SCI论文20余篇,其中以第一/共一作者发表SCI论文10篇(eLight、Light: Sci. Appl.、Opto-Electronic Adv.、APL Photonics等),包括4篇SCI一区论文,3篇ESI高被引及热点论文,4篇期刊封面文章,2篇期刊最高被引论文,1篇期刊最高下载量论文,Google Scholar引用1100余次,入选2023年全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单;研究成果多次受到Nature、美国科学促进会、美国光学学会、美国物理联合会、德国光子学会、德国应用光学学会、中国光学等国内外媒体报道等亮点报道。授权中国发明专利5项、PCT专利2项,获得日内瓦国际发明专利金奖。多次参加科创、学术类竞赛及会议,曾获国际会议最佳学生报告奖、优秀学术论文奖、最具人气海报奖、光学工程博士生学术联赛全国百强、“互联网+”全国金奖、研电赛全国一等奖、最佳路演奖、中俄工业创新大赛中国赛区总决赛一等奖等。基于上述成果获得中国光学工程学会技术发明一等奖、国际光学工程学会光学与光子学教育奖学金、中国光学学会王大珩光学奖、江苏省光学学会青年光学科技奖、南理工“校长奖章”、“瑞华杯年度大学生人物”、国家奖学金、中国航天科技奖学金等奖项及荣誉。

J. Qian, T. Tao, S. Feng, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*,“Motion-artifact-free dynamic 3D shape measurement with hybrid Fourier-transformphase-shifting profilometry,” Opt. Express 27, 2713–2731 (2019). (IF: 3.894) J. Qian, S. Feng, T. Tao, Y. Hu, K. Liu, S. Wu, Q.Chen, and C. Zuo*, “High-resolution real-time 360° 3D model reconstruction of ahandheld object with fringe projection profilometry,” Opt. Lett. 44,5751–5754 (2019). (IF:3.776) J. Qian, S. Feng, Y. Li, T. Tao, J. Han, Q. Chen,and C. Zuo*, “Single-shot absolute 3D shape measurement withdeep-learning-based color fringe projection profilometry,” Opt. Lett. 45,1842–1845 (2020). (IF:3.776,ESI高被引、热点论文,2020年度中国机构学者在光学期刊发表的高价值论文TOP100(第22名),OL期刊2020-2021最高引论文) J. Qian, S. Feng, T. Tao, Y. Hu, Y. Li, Q. Chen,and C. Zuo*, “Deep-learning-enabled geometric constraints and phase unwrappingfor single-shot absolute 3D shape measurement,” APL Photonics 5, 046105(2020). (光学TOP期刊,SCI一区,IF: 5.672,ESI高被引、热点论文,入选APL Photonics virtual special issue on Photonics and AI,2020年度中国机构学者在光学期刊发表的高价值论文TOP100(第20名),APLP期刊2016-2022最高引论文) J. Qian, S. Feng, M. Xu, T. Tao, Y. Shang, Q. Chen,and C. Zuo*, “High-resolution real-time 360° 3D surface defect inspection withfringe projection profilometry,” Opt. Lasers Eng. 137, 106382 (2021). (JCR光学一区,IF: 4.836)
Y. Li§, J. Qian§, S. Feng, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*, “Deep-learning-enabled dual-frequency composite fringe projection profilometry for single-shotabsolute 3D shape measurement,” Opto-Electronic Adv. 5, 210021 (2022). (光学TOP期刊,SCI一区,IF: 9.636,期刊封面,AlphaGalileo、EurekAlert!、OEA、光电期刊等亮点报道) C. Zuo*§, J. Qian§, S. Feng, W. Yin, Y. Li, P. Fan, K. Qian*, and Q. Chen*, “Deep learning in optical metrology: a review,”Light. Sci. Appl. 11(1), 1-54 (2022). (光学TOP期刊,SCI一区,IF: 17.782,ESI高被引、热点论文,期刊封面,EurekAlert!、Tech Xplore、Light、中国光学等亮点报道,Light期刊4月最高下载量论文) J. Qian, Y. Cao, Y. Bi, H. Wu, Y. Liu, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*, “Structured illumination microscopy based on principal component analysis”,eLight 3, 4 (2023). (卓越计划高起点新刊,封面论文,EurekAlert!、Tech Xplore、Light、中国光学等亮点报道) J. Lyu§, J. Qian§, K. Xu, Y. Huang, and C. Zuo*, “Motion-resistantstructured illumination microscopy based on principal component analysis,” Opt. Lett. 48 (1), 175-178 (2023). (IF:3.776,封面论文,Optica Image of the Week,Optica精选论文) J. Qian, Y. Cao, K. Xu, Y. Bi, W. Xia, Q. Chen*, and C. Zuo*, “Robust frame-reduced structured illumination microscopy with accelerated correlation-enabled parameter estimation,” Appl. Phys. Lett.121, 153701(2022). (编辑精选论文,Special Issue on Advances in Optical Microscopy for Bioimaging,Scilight专访报道,APL、AIP、Intelligent Optics等亮点报道) J. Qian, T. Tao, S. Feng, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo*,“Robust dynamic 3D shape measurement with hybrid fourier-transformphase-shifting profilometry,” in International Conference on Image andGraphics, (Springer, 2019), pp. 122–133. J. Qian, S. Feng, T. Tao, Y. Hu, Q. Chen, and C.Zuo*, “Real-time 3D point cloud registration,” in Seventh InternationalConference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN 2019), vol. 11205(International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2019), p. 112052D. (2019国际光学与光子学会议最佳学生报告奖) J. Qian*, S. Feng, Y. Li, T. Tao, Q. Chen, and C.Zuo, “Fast 3D surface defect detection with fringe projection,” in OpticalMetrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications VII, vol. 11552(International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2020), p. 1155208. (首届三维光学传感与应用国际论坛邀请报告) J. Qian*, S. Feng, Y. Li, T. Tao, Q. Chen, and C.Zuo, “Color deep learning profilometry for single-shot 3D shape measurement,”in Fourth International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering, vol.11761 (International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2021), p. 1176106. J. Qian*, S. Feng, Y. Li, T. Tao, Q. Chen, and C.Zuo, “Color deep learning profilometry for single-shot 3D shape measurement,”in Fourth International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering, vol.11761 (International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2021), p. 1176106. J. Qian*, S. Feng, Y. Li, T. Tao, Q. Chen, and C.Zuo, “Color deep learning profilometry for single-shot 3D shape measurement,”in Fourth International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering, vol.11761 (International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2021), p. 1176106. J. Qian*, Y. Cao, Y. Bi, H. Wu, Y. Liu, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo, “Illumination parameter estimation of structured illumination microscopy based on principal component analysis,” International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN 2022) 12550, 172-176 (2023). (最佳学生报告奖三等奖) J. Qian*, Y. Cao, Y. Bi, H. Wu, Q. Chen, and C. Zuo, “Fast illumination parameter estimation of structured illumination microscopy,” Advanced Optical Imaging Technologies V 12316, 90-95 (2022).