我实验室留学生Habib Ullah荣获2023年度留学江苏政府奖学金“优秀学生奖学金”148
近日,2023年度留学江苏政府奖学金“优秀学生奖学金”(2023 Study Abroad Jiangsu Government Scholarship “Elite Student Scholarship”)评选结果揭晓,我实验室2020级博士留学生Habib Ullah(导师左超教授)荣获此奖项。 留学江苏政府奖学金“优秀学生奖学金”由江苏省人民政府、江苏省教育厅共同设立,旨在打造“留学江苏”教育品牌,提升江苏教育的国际影响力。具有资格的申请者包括从在江苏就读的本科二年级(含)及研究生二年级(含)以上的留学生。2023年南京理工大学共有16名留学生(8名本科生、4名硕士研究生、4名博士研究生)获得该奖项。 对于此次获奖,Habib Ullah表示:“这次获得优秀学生奖学金我感到十分荣幸,非常感谢学校、电光学院、国际教育学院以及SCILab各位老师和同学在工作及生活中给我的支持和帮助。获得奖学金既是对以往成绩的肯定,更是对今后学习、工作的激励和鞭策。我会把这种荣誉转化为动力,不断克服困难,取得更大的成绩,不辜负学校和社会的培养与殷切希望。”
Habib Ullah,男,巴基斯坦人,南京理工大学2020级光学工程专业博士生,师从左超教授。研究方向为计算显微光强衍射层析成像。工作主要围绕非干涉光强衍射层析理论与方法展开,提出多项非干涉无标记三维显微成像技术。截至目前以第一/共一作者身份在国际知名期刊上发表了15篇SCI论文。曾获2023中国光学学会研究生论坛(南京大学站)最佳海报奖,icOPEN 2023最佳学生口头报告奖等荣誉。 Habib Ullah awarded the 2023 “Elite Student Scholarship” offered by Jiangsu Province On December 12, 2023, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education announced the list of winners for the 2023 Study Abroad Jiangsu Government Scholarship “Elite StudentScholarship”. Habib Ullah, a doctoral student inour laboratory, was awarded this scholarship for his excellent academic performance at Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NJUST). The “Elite Student Scholarship” is jointly established by the Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government and the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, which is committed to building the “Study in Jiangsu” education brand and enhancing the international influence of Jiangsu’s education. Eligible applicants include international students enrolled in the second year or above of undergraduate studies and the second year or above of postgraduate studies in Jiangsu. In 2023, 16 international students from NJUST were awarded this scholarship, including 8 undergraduates, 4 master’s students, and 4 PhD students. Regarding this award, Habib Ullah said: “I am grateful for the strong support from NJUST, School of Electronic and Optical Engineering and School of International Education as well as the professional guidance from SCILab. My recent achievement in securing the Elite Student Scholarship was not possible without the incredible support of SCILab and the guidance of teachers and colleagues. Their encouragement and wisdom have been the motivating factors behind my success, and I am truly grateful for the valuable lessons learned from each of them. In the future, in my scientific journey, I’ll stay grounded and dedicated, working hard to build a solid foundation for my research endeavors. The future looks exciting, and I’m all set for the journey!” Habib Ullah is a PhD student in Optical Engineering advised by Chao Zuo, professor at NJUST. His research direction is computational microscopy imaging technology. In terms of scientific research, Habib mainly conducts research on quantitative phaseimaging technology, especially in the field of label-free three-dimensional(3D) intensity diffraction tomography based on light-intensity transmission in computational optical microscopy. He has published 15 research articles as first/co-author in well-reputed SCI-indexed journals. Besides he has participated in several international academic conferences and gave oral reports. He won the Best Poster Award at the 2023 Chinese Optical Society Graduate Forum held at Nanjing University and the Best Student Oral Presentation Award at the International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN-2023) in Singapore. 图文 | Habib Ullah、孙菲、侯天语 复审 | 左超 终审| 徐峰 |